Ultralow Contrast Angioplasty

Causes of Ultralow Contrast Angioplasty, Treatment for Ultralow Contrast Angioplasty in Chennai and Benefits .

Pill Box

Ultralow contrast angioplasty in Chennai is a cutting-edge medical procedure used to treat vascular conditions with minimal use of contrast dye, reducing the risk of kidney damage and complications.

Ultralow contrast angioplasty in Chennai is a medical procedure that is primarily used in the field of interventional cardiology to treat certain cardiovascular conditions, particularly in patients who have kidney problems or a high risk of contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN).

What is Ultralow Contrast Angioplasty?

1. Pre-existing kidney impairment 2. Previous episodes of contrast-induced nephropathy 3. High-risk patients

Causes of Ultralow Contrast Angioplasty:

Pie Chart

Dr. M. Kathiresan is a renowned interventional cardiologist with expertise in performing Ultralow Contrast Angioplasty. His extensive experience and specialized skills make him the right doctor for this complex and delicate procedure.

Who is the Right Doctor for Ultralow Contrast Angioplasty?


1. Reduced risk of contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) 2. Safer for high-risk patients 3. Lower contrast-related side effects

1. Pre-procedure Preparation 2. Minimal Contrast Use 3. Pharmacological Agents



1. Reduced visibility 2. Limited guidance 3. Increased risk of complications

Ultralow contrast angioplasty in Chennai is an advanced medical procedure designed to minimize the use of contrast dye during angiographic interventions. 


Address 40, 52, 100 Feet Rd, opp.to Tanishq Jewellery, Periyar Nagar, Velaachery, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600042 Email.id info@drkathiresan.com Contact +91 83000 22222